Monday, January 3, 2011

New Years Resolutions


2011, WOW!

Honestly, I can't think of any RESOLUTIONS.... hmmm.

Brush my teeth every night... Shop less... Read a book a month...
Go to Cali to see my bro more... diet... stop drinking coke...
 But look at how HAPPY I am drinking diet coke!!!
Catz, I'm going to do a challenge, I'm going to run 3 x's a week,
I am going to do a Sprint Triathalon this year!!!
Run a 10K (I always say I'm going to) DO IT!!!
(I just made a schedule plan!)

btw, I'm making my way thru a delicious green onion cheese ball, mmm.

Also, It's SO hard never being home in the daylight. :(
When it's dark, I'm not motivated to clean up & such.
Day 1 of back to work... boo.
It's a mild 47 here, snuggle weather.
Guess it's just me and Miss. Dixie Sweetheart Knight!

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