Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I am trying to think of when I'm going to get my hairs did,
only a bitty a regrowth right now but planning ahead.
Last January was ICK & Rough!

I went from THIS... Dec. 2009
To THIS... Feb 2010

DRAMATIC!  I know.
So I was dramatic ONCE in my life...

This January has been - DRAMATIC as well, but different Drama.
Still ICK but no hair changes

But, in thinking of ReGrowth... 
I think I'm growing, recreating myself.  
It's hard to do but change is good right?
I feel happier, less settled but more - Guided
Trials make us grow - change - evolve.
I like the word evolve b/c people say... and I agree...
that I've evolved in my journey here in AZ.

Bigger & Better is my personal moto
Well, it's true, I'm not to good at conforming but growing - I think I'm getting down pat!

I'm going to go pray I don't get Bigger, 
just that things get BETTER!
Here's to an Optimistic Attitude!


Kirsten said...

way to have a positive outlook! I'm proud of you! here's to a not-so-ick February.

Cara @ Gardenview Cottage said...

I love this post! You are better than ever if you ask me♥ I say keep the hair sexy and long and blond, keep one foot in front of the other and......always have a smile on you face - it makes one feel better♥